So much derision toward the Green Party, but we DO operate democratically, and we simultaneously navigate all sorts of internalized oppression. But we do it. These folks never had a plan for actually getting on the ballot, either.

Enough "progressive." It's a meaningless term.We need an independent worker's party of the left.

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I agree but that "independent worker's party of the left" is not MPP/PP. That's for sure. Green Party does have its imperfections but those are things that are not totally systemic and/or structural. You're right. MPP/PP pretends well. Their strategy is idealistic and the Green Party, in which I have been registered since before I got purged from PP, just has to strategize on how to get non-voters, not just folks disgruntled in either major party.

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I agree with you 100%. Have you checked out Green Socialist Organizing Project? greensocialist.net

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This is my first time hearing about it but I will check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.

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Don't Confuse progressive with the MPP, the guy who was trying to get it happening had no idea what was needed, he wasn't afraid to be abrupt either which I had pointed out a number of times, anyway happy people have seen through his BS.

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I am a current volunteer of MPP and a few of the people interviewed in this article were not good faith actors. It is not a party yet, that is what we are building. The petition process has been on-going and has had very positive impact on the organizing and communication. Some were inpatient and went out of their way to smear those working to build this party which will elect leadership at the founding convention, vote on by-laws, but for that to happen, the States need to organize which is happening right now because it is representatives from the States that will be democratically representing and deciding the National platform, rules, etc. People need to understand that things don't happen overnight, sometimes the path is bumpy and if you are not part of the solution, you must be part of the problem. Things are working smoothly, multiple States are preparing to launch, mistakes are being owned and issues are being resolved. Perhaps Kamilah Harris may like to share her private conversations publicly and explain how attacking brand new members for hours in a shared work space is acceptable hate that they accuse others of holding towards them. The toxicity of her comments were disgraceful and her own impatience and inability to work with other volunteers is her problem, not MPP. I hope people understand that when people won't work the process, then make it harder for others to do so, they create the environment for failure. We are not failing in this organization, we are building a party free of corporate influence and financing and it is rocking a few boats. I wish the people luck with their own political future, they will need it with their characters as they are.

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Since you want to inject my name into your so-called "storytelling" as if you are "credible" on shit, let me be the first to let this whole comment thread know that you are one of the main people who trolled me consistently on MPP Slack when I was outspoken on systemic and structural issues as well as correcting records. You also tag-team trolled me with Jon Kendall who was a proven racist on MPP Slack that got kicked out of the Petitioners Group for his proven racism spewing and breaking other rules but simultaneously was allowed to run rampant all over MPP Slack with his proven racism un-moderated. Thus for you to have the audacity to 1) show yourself here with your nonsense and 2) inject my name into it is uncalled for and downright toxic behavior. In fact, your trolling behavior towards me on MPP Slack was so well known that you whole Oregon hub leadership checked you on it so for you to spread this so called "bad faith actors" crafted false narrative nonsense is also hysterical. You are a true MPP, Nick Brana, and NCC cult member to the core. Additionally, the only "private conversations that I had on Slack" was with Essrea and Brooke from Regenerative Culture about people like you who trolled me excessively without moderation as well as with other volunteers who came in my DMs about what I spoke about on the General Channels. Vast majority of my conversations were on the General Channels and my 2 WG Channels. Default, MPP's real bad faith actor, was in my DMs trolling in private me as well, just like you were trolling me on the General Channels in public. I never "attacked brand new members" or anyone else at all, let alone "for hours." Where are your receipts for all of these so-called "other private conversations" and "attacking members (new or otherwise) that you claim?" Were you stalking my DMs or something because how would you know about me "having private conversations" at all? Let me find out that the leadership is spreading people's DMs on MPP Slack around. I would love to see those receipts. Furthermore, you were part of the reason why MPP Slack was toxic, never me. You. Laura. Rob. Jon Kendall. Default. The list goes on and on. You were the one of disgrace and inability. What work did you do besides stalk and troll me on Slack? Answer that. I was onboarding new volunteers every Sunday. I was the reason why YouTube National Calls averaged 400 or more likes and averaged over 500 views at one point. I was active in my circles and did work with them that is verified. What do you do? What have you done? Show receipts. I'll also wait for those since you want to talk so much crap. I and my petitioner peers did astronomically far more work for MPP than any of you "happy volunteer" minions and cult members, combined. Thus, yes. You are failing as an organization. You all have 322 registrations out of 80,000 required to get to the next step on my state of California. You all, at one point, was lenient about whether or not you all wanted to take corporate money and had to retract those statements from Twitter. This is in addition of peddling yourselves as a "center right populist organization" and deciding to retract that from Twitter. Don't get me started on you and your fellow cult member/volunteer racist and anti-black behaviors on MPP Slack against myself and other Black women including Renee. Oh yeah!! I know you well as a "Karen" and you don't want me finding out if Brian has the receipts on that. Wish I had screenshot all of your nonsense so I can smack it all dead in your face. You and your cronies never do work. That's why MPP sucks. The leadership is also the reason why MPP is a grift and sucks. You all are on Slack (which is being leaked to me because people still like me there) where you all are still having my name in your comments, my tweets in your posts, and everything. If you are not "failing in this organization," then why are you all still talking about me and the petitioners instead of actually doing any work? Oh. That's right. Nick and the NCC got you all on puppet strings. The only time you people do anything is when Nick and the NCC says "jump" while you all respond, "how high?" Go get a life. We are going to continue whistle-blowing. We are going to continue social media protesting. We are going to continue warning the public about MPP/PP while you will just remain bitter, butthurt, and pretending that "MPP is actually doing something" when not. Be and remain dismissed. Also, be warned. I am coming for you if you keep injecting my name anywhere, Rebecca. That's no threat. It's a promise. You can say whatever (which I always know to be lies and scripts from your masters Nick and the NCC) but leave my name out of it.

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That that sure is a lot of ad hominem attacks and toxicity coming from someone who says they were trying to repair the dysfunction in MPP. I also see a lot of talk of receipts, but you haven't provided any. You have made a lot of unverified claims. In reading the thread here, I see only one person resorting to trolling tactics...

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Oh look! Another MPP MAGA bot troll injecting himself into something that he cannot disprove. Everything I have said is verified. Nothing you and your fellow MPP MAGA bots have anything disproving me or my peers. We have receipts on petitionmpp.com. You're what you claim that I am. And guess what? You people don't matter. My intentions were pure. You are a bot not credible on telling me anything let alone what you bot "think and feel" that I "did or did not intended." You're the one trolling like the rest of your MPP MAGA so it takes a troll to know one. I'm not one. You can stay in your no life now. Thanks.

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Why have you mentioned DMs so much and not provided links? Did you screenshot any of the alleged messages? Shouldn't you have those on the ready?

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petitionmpp.com -- I have receipts on there along with my peers. Who are you? Oh yeah, a nobody. I don't care what you "think and feel." I live through and survived all of this shit.

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You didn't go on the site. Just be dismissed like the rest of your MPP MAGA Bot Army. You people are not credible.

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I went to the site. I see no documentation of DMs.

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You did not go to the site if you claim that DMs were not documented because I personally submitted mine and others did, too. Just give up, MPP MAGA Kyle. Nick Brana wants you.

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Where is the evidence for these claims. I see a lot of talk about slack messages, twitter DMs, etc, but I see no evidence in this article. I remember looking into some of these things as it was happening, and there was a Twitter DM thread posted, showing that the people bringing the petition, were doing so in bad faith. I do not know where to find those screenshots anymore, but I fell that if you are writing articles making extreme accusations of "shadowy backroom negotiations, ring kissing, and, to date, the antithesis of a transparent democracy." then you need to back that up with some evidence, not just the accusations of a handful of people. I'm still skeptical of MPP, but I am also skeptical of "volunteers" who seem to be spreading the same talking points that always get rolled out for 3rd parties: "Not a real party. Will never win" "Horrible leadership" "No platform". These are all recycled tropes. For an Org that just started 4 years ago, and only really gained speed in the last 2 years, it seems like the same old BS to roll out the "They dont have any candidates" I'd like to point out, it is much easier to increase interest in your party when the MSM and former volunteers aren't spreading unverified smears around about them. In summary, this seems disingenuous.

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MPP MAGA Bot Troll Kyle says that "there's no evidence" but the receipts and are on petitionmpp.com inclusive to the Slack workspace so I'm safe in knowing that Kyle needs to get his eyes checked let alone remaining in his no life like his fellow MPP MAGA licking Nick Brana boots instead of being on comment threads imploding with his scripts predictably. That's who he is sheep to like the rest as well. Easy to fool.

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Where? Post the quick link. I keep asking.

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She is likely khive. Don't feed trolls, do not trust platforms that serve trolls. We don't have time left for fighting with bs, not if you want any kind of humane future. No shit, it's that dire, whether we're speaking of fascism, global heating, AI and mechanization replacing human workers, etc. The sad truth is that those of you who are as young as Zac and Gavin won't die a natural death unless we make some truly transformational changes NOW.

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This is really concerning. I've been informally boosting TPP for months now in the genuine belief that they had the expertise and the drive to be applying that truly represented a Progressive Left Party. I hope this is a smart piece but I'm not sure why this site might do that.

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Welp, today after seeing The Vanguard's YT vids, I conclude that you are a limited hangout. Bye.

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After I watched this excellent interview of Caleb Maupin by Jackson Hinkle (who is hands down far more intelligent than these bozos Zac and Gavin) it occured to me that The Vanguard is breadtube:


Yep, get educated. Don't be stupid tools like these useful idiots.

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@The Vangaurd, are you ever going to address your comment section and the toxicity that your former guest Kamilah is spreading in your comments?

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Y'all really need to do a follow up. I'm beginning to think you are purposefully avoiding it.

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I'm seeing this Kamila khive poster all over the place, and she's very hostile. For that reason alone I registered PP. They must be doing something right if they are being attacked and smeared by people like her with no clear justifications for it.

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I don't know what to believe, but I disrespect The Vanguard for not including oppositional voices (anyone from PP.) These people may have legitimate grievances, but just as likely (maybe moreso, considering the dirty tactics employed by the Dems against any leftist) this might be only be a hit piece. I'm still registered PP in opposition to the two major parties, and I'd need much more proof before jumping on the bandwagon to trash a new party that's just trying to get off the ground.

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Your name is "Durtbag." I don't expect you to process facts that the People's Party is full of shit. This is not a "hit piece." MPP/PP has nothing "to hit." They are just not legit at all. You're registered with an actual pseudo and wannabe "political party" that has been trash since 2017. We lived through, experienced, and survived the bullshit. What we have been testifying was far more than just "grievances." We learned the cold hard knocks way that MPP/PP is a scam.

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You only sling invectives, so you have no credibility. All I see you posting are smears, like khive. BTW, I very much like my name and you can go to hell.

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I have all of the credibility along with my peers. You are another proven MPP MAGA nobody on parade. Yeah, I know you like your "name." Fits you in more ways than one. LMFAO!! I don't believe in hell, little sheephead. Ha!! Keep proving me correct like the rest. I don't care what you bot "see." I'm not of the "K-Hive." Never have been. I hate Kamala and the DNC. Nice busting your head on that trip & further implosion. Nobody need validation from you MPP MAGA hoes.

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You continue to prove my point. If you had legitimate concerns you would present them instead of this juvenile b.s.

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You continue to prove my points. You have no points. You have no arguments, just like your fellow MPP MAGA bot trolls. You're here on sheeptard parade like the rest as well. That is the proven juvenile b.s. We are legitimate and credible with everything and everyone. You are a nobody. Illegimate. Not credible. I take actual bags of dirt more seriously than you people. That's how much you people are proven in worth coming from your no lives. Piles of shit so that is how I have every right to treat you people. I and my peers don't owe you MPP MAGA bots anything. You don't matter.

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Unless the Green party and MPP, stand for destroying the Oligarchichal system.. Even if they were to rise, they would be merely taking a seat at the Oligarchichal system table, helping none of us...

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The thing is, anybody promoting a third party, is sort of gaslighting peeps... There is NO possible way a 3rd party, still loyal to the values of the Republic, would be allowed to rise.. Even from within an Oligarchichal party... It would be suicidal and detrimental to the Oligarchichal parties, and in proxy the Oligarchichal system itself... The 2 Oligarchichal parties must be disbanded or destroyed first, or nothing changes... Regardless if you go Green or MPP.. If you choose Green, the Oligarchichal parties will simply have you removed from the ballot..

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Comes down to leadership in any given capacity, role, status, or party. The electoral system that America has been enacting and living with needs to end. It's the electoral system that was built over time that has led to the oligarchy/duopoly that we have been living under for at least 150 years. Promoting a third party is not gaslighting. Promoting an unfair, unjust, biased, and duopoly dictated system is where the gaslighting most occurs which is why this nation has never been a duopoly. MPP is not a real "political party" so to put them in the same sentence as the Green Party is misinformation. Until the system is fought most, then the oligarchs and parties of the duopoly will continue to win out and monopolize our elections and government.

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